Thursday, February 3, 2011

Greetings puny people!

While you guys are doing such a boring thing as sleeping, we on the other hand, have been awake for some time now. Since the last time I updated my blog, we`ve managed to spend an evening with my family by celebrating new years. We`ve now entered the year of the cat, if anyone wondered...

Can you spot the blonde dude?

I`ve also managed to get lost in the woods that was in the middle of the Hong Kong airport.

And suddenly... Oh my God, Indiana Jones!!!

 I asked if he would take picture with me, and he was like "Yeaaahh!!"

Then I asked him if he wanted to follow me to Vietnam. Since he already had his passport ready. That dude is really up for anything. Because of his blonde hair, everyone in town is staring at him.
It`s ok, though. 

He likes the attention.


Another highlight was that my cousin bought a can of soda, but he didn`t like it. 

Haha, just kidding. People are just carefree when it comes to putting garbage in the garbage cans. And I really like this picture.

Basically we are having the time of our lives, even though we haven`t caught much z`s during the last 48 hours. Hope everything`s ok at home, and that no one has commited murder or anything like that. Until next time!

Ps: I`ve eaten a turtle, and my cousin`s scooter does carry five people at once! If one of them is not actually sitting on it, that is. Yeah, some of us almost died that night.

And, by the way:

Happy New Year!


  1. Godt kattenyttår :D

    Det høres ut som dere har det kjempefint!

    Jeg vil også legge til at 5 på en scooter er oppskrytt! Da Deja og jeg var i Thailand så ble det nesten for mye for scooteren når vi to til sammen veide over 200kg :P

  2. Whopwhop! Så gøy det ser ut der borte....and,like....Oh Em Ji, Indiana Jones?! Heldiggrisen babe du!! :P
    Men du får såfall kose deg masse videre, og hold bloggen oppdatert! ;)
    Be careful with your hair whipping over there, aiight? :D
    Stooooooor klem, Thao Elizabeth!

  3. Hahah, Eirik. Jeg ser det for meg! Er noe annet enn 4 spinkle vietnamesere og en nordmann...

    Thao!!! Apropos hair, saa har jeg tatt permanent! :O Det er faen meg sjukt. Men tror ikke det ser like bra ut naar jeg har kommet hjem da :( Mye goy som skjer i Oslo forresten?
